Modular Personal Training Concepts
Extreme Close Quarter-Firearm Modules, Tactical Baton Concepts, Empty Hand/ Defensive Tactics Concepts, Edge Weapon Awareness and Tactical Knife.
Based on the concept ZERO TO FIVE/ 0-5 by Lahner Academy
The 0-5 concept is a complete and integrated program teaching solution, to critical encounters in the range of 0-5 meters.
Nowadays within this range, over 90% of all contacts with aggressive subjects occur, both in Law Enforcement as well as Military.
0-5 teaches the whole spectrum. Starting with behavior, tactics, communication to defensive measures and combatives while utilizing all tools and weapons, as well as empty hands.
The usage of concepts instead of techniques allow an approach that is similar to everyone, based to the individuals skills and characteristics.
0-5 Training is based on real world data, using scientific methods, integrates all tools and weapons, highly innovative, highly effective, easy to learn and use.
0-5 is a modular concept. Fitted to your specific requirements.
Course design – Examples:
Introduction to ZERO TO FIVE
This is a 5 day/ 30 hour module that will give the user an idea of the concept to support him in his job. It will show very basic concepts. But even this course will already transfer valuable skills.
Duration of entire training: | 5 days / 30 hours |
Number of trainees: | 10-20 |
Skill-Requirements: | basic training, safety regulations, especially safe handling of firearms in 360 degree environment |
Location: | in-house seminar at your base |
ZERO TO FIVE Course Level 1
This course will give the important skill-set to safely handle tactical tools and weapons within the ZERO TO FIVE concept. It ensures basic skills with a solid foundation in empty hands, edged weapons, tactical baton, cuffs, OC and firearms in close ranges.
Duration of entire training: | 20 days / 120 hours |
Number of trainees: | 10-20 |
Skill-Requirements: | basic training, safety regulations, especially safe handling of firearms in 360 degree environment |
Location: | in-house seminar at your base |
ZERO TO FIVE Full CQB / Defensive Tactics Program
This course transforms the attendee into a highly effective, highly capable conflict-resolving expert. Over the duration of 60 days, the attendees will gain physical fitness, combative mindset, physical abilities, attributes and skill-set to prevail in the most adverse conflict scenarios. The participants will gain expertise in handling all differnt kind of tools, weapons, improvised objects and empty hands to their advantage. They will learn advanced conflict solutions, but also gain the flexibility and skills to deal with unforseen conflicts.
Duration of entire training: | 60 days / 360 hours |
Number of trainees: | 10-20 |
Skill-Requirements: | basic training, safety regulations, especially safe handling of firearms in 360 degree environment |
Location: | in-house seminar at your base |
This are only examples of the possible course designs, further Modules could be:
- Extreme Close Quarter Shooting
- Tactical Knife
- Edged Weapon Awareness (EWA)
- Empty Hands concepts
Please feel free to contact us, we will gladly discuss your project requirements with you.